A Simple Library Management Software for Linux

E-lib has released its first version which is 0.1beta. There are a lot of modifications to be made both to the core as well as superficial code base. This version has almost everything that one looks for in a library management software. It manages books, periodicals, articles and funds in the library. It also include entries for seminars, mini projects and main projects as well.

This system has to be well tested for being released for production uses. The core functions are to be documented properly at first. A few changes foreseen are:

- Develop a simple shell script installer for the software.
- Using QSql interface instead of postgresql-python if possible.
- Make it compatible to MySQL as well.
- Test the software for Windows and Unix Platforms.
- Make the software flexible by adding various settings to the software.
- Use QSettings for storing settings.
- Develop functions in the database instead of SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE queries.
- create dazzling icons for menus in the frontend.
- Developing and testing a better web interface.
- Develop versions for Debian, Suse and other common industrial productions.